Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.
This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...
"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco
As most of you know, I am TERRIFIED of spiders. Something always seems to happen when Steve is away, and this time these two mixed. I was going outside to take the garbage out this morning and right on the corner of our back gate as I opened it up- a huge black widow mama with her egg sack. Let me tell you, this ain't no googled image either! I freaked as I saw her move. I jumped to get the trash can, then ran through the gate to set it on the curb. Now.... mission: get this spider. So I ran inside shaking like a leaf and grabbed a bottle of bug spray. I went back out to spray her and she was gone. I immediately look down at my feet and stepped around frantically to make sure its no where near me. Then I saw she went further in the corner. I "snapped" on that thing to say the very least, and stood their compulsively blasting it over and over until the bottle was about empty. Well it died of course, but what was I going to do with the egg sack filled with like 400 eggs? I wasn't waiting until a bug person could get out here. All I could think about is that if I wait, they could all hatch. Didn't want that. So I got the sack with a pitch-fork and set it on the rocks and torched it. However when the covering of the sack burned off, some of the eggs just spilled into the rocks... so I had to saturate that part with more spray we had. Then I marked the area with fluorescent spray paint for the bug man to look at first thing Monday morning. Aahhhhh, what an eewy morning!! I have to admit too... I got chills writing this!
Jennifer no joke that thing is huge. I've never seen an egg sack before. You poor thing, you have a lot of guts, girl! We found a black widow in the bathroom linen closet and drowned it in roach killer (the only one I had) and are waiting on the bug man. SO CREEPY!!!!
Jennifer no joke that thing is huge. I've never seen an egg sack before. You poor thing, you have a lot of guts, girl! We found a black widow in the bathroom linen closet and drowned it in roach killer (the only one I had) and are waiting on the bug man. SO CREEPY!!!!
Those things are so bad. You poor thing. I got the chilly willies just thinking about your ordeal! Rhonda
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