Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.

This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...

"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Obsessive Cullen Disorder

I've got it... do you? I have all of the books, started my collection years ago. As I took my dive into this love story the first movie came out and really ruined the books for me (so I thought). I'm so busy that if there is a movie to watch instead of reading the book, I usually just watch the movie. My view is that there is better things to do if I have gotten the story somewhere once. Not in this case at all. I have decided that this series is just that very commendable that I am going to wait. My plan is to continue the reading once I have watched the whole complete story... and not reading a sentence or word more before then. Control myself from those tempting books that sit on my shelf with lots of extras... it's getting harder. But this way I can savor it all over again and because I love to read... I know it will be much more gratifying. I am that excited that I can let patience be the virtue it is.

The new movie, Breaking Dawn Part 1 just released!! I've seen it twice now. Benny and Stink are even into the whole story. We are a "Team Edward" family all the way. My Nurse girlfriends and I went to a private showing on the opening day. I made a shirt this time for the event. It came right from my favorite scene of all the movies.

The new movie was yet another, striking screenplay. I'm not telling anymore... leaving it at that. I hope that I have a great love story of my own someday to write about, because I will. I hope that I meet a protecting, loving man who adores me and my children and all that we possess. I hope that I have a beautiful pregnant belly again someday. I hope that I have someone who really adores me and the family we will create together. I hope that I will finally have true love, something that I have never known aside from my children. I hope that this isn't it, ending in fiction form for me. I hope I have so much that I could write a book about. I'm not settling for a weak chapter, or a blog post. Until then I will indulge in this great love story... the best I've heard of yet!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful on Thanksgiving

The contents of the Thanksgiving decorations box didn't survive for very long around this town. It's partly due to the fact that it is pathetic and contains only a couple of things and part over-indulgence of the Christmas spirit oh so soon. I am still Thankful in my heart this day... and every day. In fact about six months or so ago the boys and I have been adding a new act at the dinner table. Before we eat we each state something we are thankful for that day. We are thankful for our Faith all the way down to coconut M&M's.

There are LOTS. This is just some. Here it goes:

-The unconditional love of my Savior, my Father, my Teacher
-My sweet dear boys
-The health of my family and I
-My girlfriends
-My boyfriends
-Gingerbread Pita Chips
-Those hard working coaches
-Gorgeous Arizona mornings, mid-days, and evenings
-The occasional overdoses of confidence I get these days
-Snuggles with my children
-My jobs
-My co-workers
-The patient's I serve
-Orange Blossoms
-Having more than enough

-My Honda
-The cozy, loving home I'm in
-The good and the bad jokes I hear
-My keyboard
-My country
-Farmer's Markets
-The wonderful school my kids attend
-Tough work-outs
-High heels
-Great moments
-Not so great moments
-My neighbors

I'm also thankful for the choice I have made to live life with no regrets. I am thankful for the people from my past, in my present and to come in the future. There is a reason for it all. Sometimes the times aren't so pleasant and it can be a scary world to say the very least. But it's a beautiful life, full of wonderful and amazing things right at our fingertips. The great moments bring many joyous gifts and the not so great moments bring many lessons for growth. I want it all... no returns please.

**Also a big thanks-thanks-thanks to Dr. Tani... a wonderful surgeon who went out of his way one day and not only diagnosed but treated the iliotibial tendonitis that so inconvenienced me. I am running again! What a proud statement. Taking it slow...

Happy Thanksgiving...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Benny's Basil

Well... we had a fabulous weekend. I guess in this house we are jumping straight from Halloween to Christmas this year. I had some Thanksgiving stuff out for a couple days but I was really eager to put up my beautiful tree and let my muffins decorate away. To be quite honest if it was socially acceptable I would have my tree up all year. Christmas is my favorite... always has been. So I will enjoy this seasonal spirit for as long as I possibly can. It started with the music, I'm blaming it on "99.9 KEZ the Holiday Station". I heard a glimpse of it in the car and it sparked the Christmas itch. So yes... Christmas got into my head, through my bones... and all the way down to my toes. Literally. I asked Benny to take off my boots please, I have a hidden surprise. I knew I could get him to smile with my funny Christmas socks. He did. However my sergeant didn't like the holiday footsies by the look on his face. So I went and got out all my other ones to model and he didn't like those any better. He politely asks, "Can't you just wear your other ones?" No way. So I made him take a picture with them.

I even danced in them with my little loves. I couldn't help myself. My tree was up and Andy Williams 'Holiday Season' came on. The kids are getting heavy to dance with... kind of winded me.

I did a lot of cooking this weekend too... Benny and I had a special session together in our holiday spirited home. I got him a basil plant not too long ago. He likes these little Caprese bites I make. When I put them together and set them in the fridge they somehow disappear and I know just who is guilty. Benny's basil plant flourished... so we made pesto together. What else to do? I'm sure we will figure out lots more but this was a great start. He was a little upset at the sight of the plant after I took the leaves off but he understood after some explaining of how it will just grow back, and even better. He loved his pesto with his noodles and french baguettes. And son... I love you.

What a glorious Sunday... Happy week everyone!