Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.

This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...

"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa and a Sleepover

Our favorite holiday is just days away... can't wait!! Seeing this magical time in children's spirits makes a mommy smile. I bottled the magic and took it up North, to the Polar Express again for round 3 last week. I scooped up Grandma Jana on our way for some extra parental hands and fun, then off we were toward Flagstaff. The boys and I were able to meet some of our dear friends there for some quick old time fun together. Benny was way more into it this year I thought. He examined the train coming in and stood right at the guard rope waving to everyone getting off the train as they came in before we got on. We got to sing Christmas Carols while sipping on hot chocolate and nibbling on soft cookies. Then we went all the way to "The North Pole" where Santa came on the train and gave all the kids a bell. The boys are certain this is the real Santa that comes on the train. He is a natural; real white beard and real big tummy. The boys are catching on this year! They told me that they know there's a lot of Santa's out there that aren't really Santa, they just dress up like him. So I said well he needs helpers so your right. That leaves us at our agreeance: The Santa at The North Pole is real. :)

No snow on this trip, but of course it came in as we left! We caught snow flurries driving back and made it a fun ride home. I also caught grandma's cold she had brought along on our trip. Shouldn't have shared the trail mix during the drive. I not only got some of her dried fruit but a nasty cough that has now taken over my larynx.

Which brings me to Stink's celebration in honor of my first born growing one year older. He is a bright 8 years old today. I threw a Christmas Slumber Party for him and his friends this year. We had so... much... fun!!! Some helping hands and I decorated the house with the Christmas season in mind and braced ourselves. 14 boys were included which is more testosterone than I have ever had to coordinate with. Just when I thought I was completely nuts this time, I realized how great boys are. They truly are. Now I have nothing to compare this to but it seems to me the more little boys, the merrier. I would like to say I am a great authority figure, but I think it was the games that held the faint peace together. The next day I found some great after party. The house smelt like grass and sweaty boys. Pizza cheese in the rug was the start, then toothpaste sludge on the wall. My slipper stuck to an area of the tile where I think some birthday punch found a landing spot. Then there's Benny who used the new nerf gun and decided that the hallway ceiling lamp was a great target. So as soon as all the guests leave in the am I hear a shatter and glass is everywhere. Can't go out without a bang, literally I guess. But it was all worth it... every ounce, serious. The cheese, paste and glass can be cleaned up in 10 minutes... but my sweet boy's birthday memories will last a lifetime. Stink told me something so-so special today. He says while we are outside, "Mom, everyday on my birthday it's so nice. It's beautiful." The ironic thing is that the last couple years it's been gloomy and rainy, but he's so happy it's in his mind and words "beautiful"... makes that mommy smile! Happy Birthday Love...