Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.

This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...

"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I have this old book that I eyed recently sitting on one of my shelves. I pulled it and have been reading little tid-bits with the boys during our family dinners at the table. The book is called " 50 Things That Really Matter." So here it goes...

Wisdom, Warm Spring Days, Memories, Honest Work, Faith, Bubble Baths, Passion, Puppies, The Sounds of Music, Seashells, Candlelight, Saying "I Love You", Saying " I'm Sorry", Flowers, Motherhood, A Good Book, Kindness, Afternoon Naps, Friends, Thunderstorms, Sad Movies, Family, Gratitude, Quiet Time, Independence, Imagination, Contentment, Milestones, Hugs, Sunrise, A Child's Art, The Smell of a New Baby, Romance, Holidays, Trust, Sympathy, Holding Hands, Charity, Summer Nights, Old Dogs, Family Dinners, A Good Cup of Coffee, Curiosity, A Sense of Wonder, Hope, Companionship, Home, Butterflies, Courage, You...

I remember of a time when I lacked some of these. Going through this book again I had realized that I have experienced all of these but one and continually developing some of it. How grateful I am and what a wise book. I came to this realization after reading the chapters and imaging my own I could write from my background. I would like to switch the Good Cup of Coffee to Tea, Earl Grey style please. My lacking here is of a puppy, I have the precious old dog... but maybe someday the other.

In honor of Mother's Day this brings me to my very personal fave chapter of this book: Motherhood. What I feel is the true blessing of the blessed. My most favorite job of all-time, hands-down. I am ridiculously, crazy in love with my children and this blessing. Being a mother is an artsy balance which can easily consume you. It's so important to me for many reasons to have the little somethings that I have of my own. I personally really need that. It not only makes me a better mom but creates a unique craving, value and respect between my boys and I that we share. It's healthy. D asked me what I wanted to do for Mother's Day in advance, sweet boy. I asked him what he thought. He told me that since I cook dinner for us we should go out to eat for Mother's Day. So I thought about it and proposed something a tad more meaningful. Going out to eat is over-rated and frankly often a bore was what came to me in a silent thought. It was a collaborated plot by the mom and babes for a memorable Mother's Day and the outcome... The boys are going to make mom dinner. This came with lots of surprises. What wasn't a surprise was D's response. Stink, the anti-kitchen kid was keen on Mother's Day but certainly not too keen on this whole cooking idea presented by the unlovely look on his face. My Benny was in sheer delight. So guess who developed a stomach ache when it came time to cook Mother's Day Dinner? S. Stink. I was mad... he knew. He ended up spotting that unlovely look now worn on my face and helped his brother a little with the pizza. He did this by dumping garlic on a piece or two of the pizza dough. Mom luckily chose that piece of pizza so I could tackle him and smother him with post dinner garlic kisses- which heck yes I did. It was a sweet release of our innocent mutual tension. Benny and Stink jolly and jointly made a strawberry cake and decorated it with Mom's favorite colors, pink and yellow. It was so good and so pink that the boys made mom eat most of it and double her work-outs for the next week. Then mom felt bad. S. Stink's tummy ache turned out to be one doozy of a GI virus that required TLC, oatmeal baths, naps, crackers and Gatorade over the next few days. True mothering I wouldn't have traded, and we both ate that stuff up. The boys gave me their usual homemade Mother's Day presents, which are still so near and dear to my heart... truly the best! It made me drag out my "special box". It's a box filled with cherished pictures, cards, notes, small gifts and tangible things I have received and stored out of meaning (it's getting big btw). The boys enjoyed going through it and seeing all of the things they have made in past Mother's Days. I shared and showed them their "special box" they have of their very own. They appreciated it- but will appreciate it far more in the later years of their life. I love them, oh how I just totally love them. Ben-Tenny and I decided on number 51 of things that really matter: Balloons.

This just proves that the very best things in life are free... Then we decided the next best things you can find are at Michael's. :)