Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.

This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...

"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco

Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Official

I am completely done with school... for the moment. I have my degree, passed my state board exam, and now got my red letters!!! Oh how exciting this day has been. In the car, I had to keep glancing at those two letters on the corner of my badge, so proud of myself!! It feels legit. It is legit.

I paid a visit to my old school today, the one where I completed the Nursing Program. I needed to do a few final things there and this will be the last time for a long time if ever that I will be here again. I didn't really miss it. I ran into one of my favorite instructors however and we greeted each other with the most happiest of smiles. I told her about my legitness and she was so elated about the news. As I shared some info with her about my new job I was reminded about how lucky I am to have such a great job, that I am loving, in these difficult times. I truly am blessed. Before I left, I had to stop by the cafe where I got what used to be my usual: cherry Italian soda with creme. Gosh I love that pink bliss in a cup. I even finished it before I got to the car. :)

Here's to new beginnings...

Love, Nurse Nenny :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

100% Boy

He's fierce. He's fast. He grins his grill. He charges. He loves football.

Here is our competitive S. Stink starting up in flag football. He is doing awesome and it is so much fun to watch him practice something he loves. Hopefully this will help me learn the sport a bit better. Can't wait till' the games!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Still Ill

Heavenly Father, HEAL MY BODY... please. Cold and flu season has been hitting me pretty hard and couldn't come at a more worse time. A couple of weeks ago I had a terrible cold, which ended in a nagging cough and left me with a hoarse, barely there voice. Then I got a double whammy last night which included a sore throat, fever and those horrid body aches that make you not want to budge. The boys slept with me last night because now we are all sick except for Steve (who is NEVER sick). It was musical coughs in the bed, I would moan/cough, then Benny would let out a couple of dry coughs, then s. stink with his juicy cough... It was a sick situation and quite pathetic. The humidifier is becoming a permanent fixture on my nightstand, plus my bed is never made because it seems there is always somebody in it. Okay bring on the Z-pack... I've gotta get through these next three night shifts.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yup, he's old...

Steve turned the big three-oh! It was either trade him in or plan a bash... of course option one was out so a bash he got. First we had a lovely dinner at our favorite place, Kona Grill, with all of our families. The nice waiter was having one of those days we all have once and a while and dropped the beloved carrot cake for dessert we brought in, but we got free warm brownies at the end. Which indeed was a warm-too many calorie-chocolatey-almost better than carrot cake dessert. I had gathered his friends and booked a party bus for 28... yes, too much fun we had! It was bound to happen: no kids + firemen + neighbors + friends from back in the day + really good drinks + really really good drinks + bull rides= one heck of a time. We must do again.

It was a birthday I hope he won't forget. And yes he got another carrot cake. It's his favorite and I just couldn't let him have a birthday without one. Happy birthday old man, I love you!

PS- Steve woke up with a grey hair in his beard the following morning..... guess the "old fairy" paid him a visit!