Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.
This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...
"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco
So, I always love hanging out with my Mom. The older I get, the more I love to be around her... she really is my best friend. Another person who I absolutely love is my sister. Even though shes in her cool and sometimes moody teenage years, I take great pride in the fact she likes to chill with her nerdy sis. So yesterday we were all together at my Mom's place enjoying the day and watching the Olympics (GO MICHAEL PHELPS). My mom had this great idea of me perming her hair. So of course going to get supplies at Sally's with my sister, my sister decides she wants to go blonde. I knew it was going to be a fun night doing these jobs. Now, I have never given a perm and have always thought that perms were so 80's... but that's what my mom is- an 80's chick and a cute one at that. The lady at Sally's was a retired beautician so she gave me the low-down on how to give a perm. To be quite honest, it was pretty simple and I had so much fun doing it! Her whole house smelled like sulfur and everyone kept asking... "ewwww who pooped" every so often. I was coloring my sister's hair after the stinky perm and as I was half-way through and realizing how thick her hair is I knew we were going to run out. So my mom had to rush back to Sally's and buy some more color so I could finish. Her hair turned out F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S! We did forget the gloves so I am suffering 3rd degree chemical burns on my fingers today! :) After we were all done my beautiful girl couldn't stop looking at herself in the mirror as she was styling her new blonde hair. I'm so pleased with how they turned out- knowing that these jobs really could have gone sour with my inexperience. I do know that perms are so over-curly when they are just done, and my Mom's was!! I have to say that it did resemble a poodle...
Next time we're together you'll have to color my hair, you're getting all this great experience!
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