Sergeant Stink (Primary Love Languages: Gift Giving, Acts of Service)
-likes short hair
-very outgoing
-can handle quite a bit
-adores his mom
-eyelids are shut by 8pm, early riser
-loves a big breakfast, first thing
-washes every crevice and compliments it with body spray
-right handed
-brown eyed
-stindgy with his goods
-stays out of the kitchen unless someone made food for him
-electronically challenged
-"mom do it for me"
-adjusts to things quickly
-prefers fish and fruit
-likes things, trinkets and clutter
-Non fiction reader
Benny (Primary Love Languages: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation)
-likes long hair
-sensitive and shy
-needs a little more nurturing
-wants to know he's protected
-adores his dad
-goes to bed late, likes to sleep in
-doesn't like eating breakfast
-needs to be reminded to comb his hair and use soap in the shower
-left handed
-blue eyed
-likes to share anything he can with you
-loves to cook with mom
-good with electronics
-"mom, let me do it"
-needs to be well prepared for things/no surprises
-enjoys preservative loaded food
-likes a clean, organized, have only what you need environment
-fiction reader
It's no wonder why they have some occasional clashing... but they do compliment eachother very well. I don't know if it's their strong love, differences, or the combination. Whatever it may be, it works. Caring, sharing Benny usually lets brother have the first say because he knows he likes to run the show. Benny taught Stink how to use his PSP. Something that Stink told me about... I will never forget. His brother would get scared and cry at night when he was away from home, adjusting to somewhere new. Stink told me he would hear him and go to his room in the night to sleep with him so that he wouldn't be so scared. I bet I know just what he told him too... buddy it's o.k. One thing my two boys will always have is 'eachother'. Despite the shuffling and some things they go through, they can always count on going through them with one another. Here they are, together...
and again...Here's another...
and a couple more...
and another...
I couldn't narrow it down! ;)
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