Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.

This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...

"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall is in the air...

... love it! It was actually cold out tonight and we had to wear jackets, amazing! Things are good, life is good, and I am happy. I have the best two gifts a girl could ask for. I took them to Schnepf's Farm for this Halloween season, it's a part of our tradition. We crave it about this time of year. Schnepf's Farm is a local farm that puts on a Fall Festival filled with rides, great food, and fun times. The boys got their faces painted when we arrived and of all the things to do they wanted to go crazy running, jumping and sliding down a big stack of hay bails.
So I let them. Next up: the train ride. Our all time favorite is the train ride around the Farm, but during this particular event after 6:30 it turns into a "spooky" train ride... the boys have always made a mental souvenir of this each time we go. So Benny all tough says, "This isn't scary Mom, it's cool." Then turns around and makes sure he sets up his reservations early to sit in the middle of us. :) The coaster is fun and the underground slide is more good times. I attempted to pile us into this four-seater car/tractor thingy on wheels that you pedal through the rough dirt and race other families. You see though, two people are supposed to pedal. I thought heck, I could do this with my new gym thighs... not. The pedals budged around maybe a couple times and Stink looks back... "mom, you need help, let me help you". I insisted that I had this and I could do it. So I push it a little to get a head start and try it that way. Nope, that didn't work either and now my thighs and butt are on fire. "Mom, let me just help you." Not taking no for an answer Stink came and helped me pedal and we did it! What a good boy, bless his heart. We didn't get very far but we did it.
So after this us Arizonian's were fareeeezing and we thawed by the bon-fire and roasted marshmallows together.
I would have to say that Schnepf's had the Charlie Brown Pumpkin Patch this year, it sucked. But we did manage to pick out two small ones just the right size for my loves. It was a swell night. See you next year Schnepf's... thanks for the wondrous memories, as always!