Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.

This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...

"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Belated Birthday Post

We were at church this morning and Benny went with mom as he only sometimes does to "the big service" as he calls it. He told me he was going to miss me over the next three days so could he please go. During service he was twiddling my hair in his fingers and playing with it, putting it behind my ear and then smoothing it out. He took my hand and examined it with his, comparing the size. I thought... this hand of his is going to be so much bigger than mine some day- so I captured that sight tight in my mind. Then I remembered that Benny of mine had a recent birthday that I needed to back blog about.

It was right before our trip on the ship that my sweet boy-Jenny-Benny turned 7. We celebrated it on the very day (July 16th) with a summer slumber party including 10 boys I think. I pulled out the blue "Birthday Boy" ribbon pin that I have had since the boys were really little. They look forward to wearing it on their birthday every year. I want to savor every ounce of their childhood so I got technical with when he actually turned 7 this year. I told him all day he wasn't really 7 until 6:27pm.

I had him in the evening... it was a perfect day. I woke up and was supposed to have a Doctor's appointment with one of my favorite doctors... Dr. Grade. But I woke up with labor pains, strong ones I could even feel in my back. They made me gasp and lean over onto the kitchen counter. So instead of that appointment I met Dr. Grade at the hospital. I didn't have time to curl my hair and put lipstick on for this labor like I did with the Sergeant... this was coming quickly. He was turned the wrong way in my belly. I gave Dr. Grade the look of "I don't want to have a cesarean". She stripped my membranes and externally maneuvered him. Two things that watered my eyes and hurt so bad a wanted to hit her. It worked, so worth it it was. I didn't have curls or colored lips, but I was still beautiful and felt ready to meet my baby boy. I pushed longer this time... about 30 minutes... he was a much bigger baby for me. He came out 8 pounds and 4 ounces, 21 1/2 inches long. He was out, suctioned and laid right on my chest... then nursed perfectly. He slept and snuggled with me all night... which to this day still loves to do. It was nothing but gorgeous moments.

So at 6:27pm and 6:27pm only the boys were allowed to get out their noisemakers and let them reach their peak. I pushed on an air-horn and my house was instantly crazy noisy at his particular minute. Then crazy fun.

We played water games, a few inside games and a basketball game. Benny got tackled with silly string. A couple of boys spent the night for movies and popcorn. I got to wake up to this in the morning:

Wild cotton Benny. I picked him out right away.

Burrowed Sergeant Stink. Took me a minute to figure out who was in there.

I also woke up to some white odd substance in the hallway. I wasn't surprised but shocked that this was it. I mean my feet still stuck to the floor in some spots of my kitchen and the kids' bathroom was a little funky but that was really all. It took me a minute and I figured out that the white crap went to a candle that fell and chipped. For some reason my poor hallway always takes the brunt of the birthdays.

It was surely fun, Benny had a blast... Happy birthday baybshz!! ... I love you. Tons.