Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.

This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...

"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Sergeant Stink!

6 years ago today, at 12:23pm I had my first baby. My Sergeant Stink was born. I can now say it was one of the most life changing experiences I have had. Like Johnson and Johnson says, "having a baby changes everything." It truly does. Even though he isn't quite a baby anymore, he will always be in my heart. He is now getting sick of hearing all my annoying stories from the womb. They probably sound like tales from the crypt to him. I am now starting to embrace sports a little thanks to him and Benny, and realize that I don't have to let out that motherly gasp just because he is jumping off of something entirely high or doing tricks on the monkey bars or seeing how much "air" he gets when bicycling off his ramp... because 95% of the time he ends up ok, and I'd look like a gasping freak if I did that every time. Besides he told me the other day, " I'm ok mom, see, no blood". Quick and simple that boy is. No blood, no hurt. We celebrated his 6th birthday at a roller rink. It was so much fun!!

They all reminded me of the scene in Bambi where the deer and animals try to walk on ice. Their little legs would just go, kerplunk. Then they would get back up and do it again.

Sergeant Stink got to say his name and how old he was turning on the DJ's mic. He thought he was pretty cool. They asked him what his favorite song was so they could play it and he said, "who led da dush oud" in his crazy voice that he does with all his friends, interpreted as "who let the dogs out" and to top it all off he let out a whoof-whoof-whoof, whoof, whoof afterwards.

Here he is in the "green machine". He is not claustrophobic thank God, but I think we would have found out at this point. They shut him in this box with tons of tickets and turn the air on the set the tickets off flying. He has to try and catch as many as he can, and he got a whole 415 tickets worth... whoo hoo babes!
Happy birthday Stink, Mama loves ya!! :)