Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.
This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...
"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco
This was a much anticipated event by the two loves of my life. They enjoy their friends and they have the best of them, they are surrounded by them... so fortunate. They see them everyday at school, practice, game days, church, and even right next door and looking out of the windows of their very own home. We can't brag enough about our social network. We have it made! So I decided to make some great memories for our cherished little friends and have a sleep-over. I made the first mistake when I, along with another called it that. "That's for girls Mom", my dear boys say. So it was from there labeled a "Dude Hang-out". I will say with pride that is the only mistake I made. To see the looks on my children's faces and their highly valued friends that I all love so much... making memories... having the times of their lives... was so worth it. Worth the apple soda stains, listening to belching and farts while eating delivery pizza, the nagging of brushing teeth after multiple cupcakes, the refereeing, and the sounds of herds of elephants running through my home... totally worth it. It was a special night. Stink confessed his best friend. Benny played in his own harmony. We had laughs, many. One of the boys looks at me puzzled over the smacking lips, toots and gulps of soda noises during dinner and says, "Ms. Jennifer, do you know you have half of the football team here?" I say, "I know, I love it!" and I do, seriously. My house is not a home without all that boy noise. My soul devours every ounce of it!
I can't wait till my boys start having sleepovers... Looks like the boys had tons of fun
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