My children have been eye-balling my new comfy nap blanket I received as a present. I tried to occupy them with dessert as I grabbed it fresh from the dryer. I wrapped the warm coziness around me and darted for my room as they spotted me... I squealed as they ran. Oh, they chased. Mom won with Scarlet's help. Benny really tried to unravel it from my embrace. His feet stunk, which almost made me surrender. They are both determined to adopt this from my possession. I will not give it up but only swaddle them in it with me of course, for sweet snuggles.
Those babies and I had a wonderful winter trip recently up North. I had a terrible feeling moment at the start. We had just settled into our place of stay and went out to find a nearby snowy hill for a quick 20 minute play. We found it, and we surely played. On our way back I could hear my Sergeant's voice change into this dreaded tone I always recognize. He tries to minimize it, but I can always tell. Then I heard him wheeze. Then I felt my heart sink as it dawned on me that I forgot his nebulizer equipment and inhaler. I always panic more than he… the Nurse leaves me and I become a worried mother. I have made it a habit to sight the nearest Urgent Care when we vacay from past experience. I was headed there and my son stopped me. The Sergeant told me he is tired of always starting our trips out like this and that he is going to be okay. I would have proceeded but he looked at me right in the eyes and told me to trust him, so I did. He was okay. I was not. I barely slept that night as a matter of fact. The next day was a big day too.
Benny and Sergeant Stink learned to snowboard… mama learned to ski!! I didn't plan on it. I was hesitant due to the above mixed with the boys' ages and my inexperience, but it all worked out to be a fantastic and memorable day. S Stink purchased snowboarding goggles years ago and has been waiting to do this. He packs them just in case. Benny begged to go and try when we were there. Each of us took lessons for what we wanted to do the first half of the day. My instructor's teaching method was quite different than what I've experienced before. I learned to ski quickly by flying down the white slope at a fast pace, turning just to dodge people and falling only to stop. It was fun. I practiced grace on my own the remaining day with the boys on the small hills. Benny was quite cautious. Stink was ready to take on a mountain… and he did.
I thought it might be nice for the boys to experience the ski lift, just for a ride only. They were ahead of me and got off at the other end because they were told to by the lift assistants. They darted for the downward hill and I chased them with one ski on and one ski off trying to stop them. This was a mountain for next year to conquer. Benny agreed, Stink did not. Benny and I rode down with help as we watched the Sergeant glide halfway down this mountain. He did fabulous and made it far, but I halted him to join us for the rest of the way. It was unforgettable. We spent all afternoon exhausting our bodies back on the bitty slopes… and I surely felt it the next day.
I hunted a fun place in the woods for sledding. It was magnificent and as perfect as could be. There was this area in a half circle, with the center being flat and the edges carved right for gliding down. Big and beautiful matured trees all around but out of our ways of course. Benny and I tried to make a snowman but it was too icy and not enough fluffy stuff to mold with. Instead, we got the Sergeant's bow and arrows out, made targets out of lined up pine cones on a fallen tree and practiced.
It is always nice to be back home, even after the most wonderful of trips. I certainly savored them during this time. I enjoy saturating each of us in love with new things in new places… all together. Now it's back to the grind of school and work, which we still appreciate… it's just a pace that requires these types of intermissions. It was just right, and a fabulous start to the new year.
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