Step into her shoes and walk the life she's living and if you get as far as she, just maybe you will see how strong she really is. Faith is first, her family is her everything and her story is her unique own.

This is a place where the love and stories of our family are shared. We hope you enjoy, and visit again soon...

"A little party never hurt no one... thats why its alright." -Art Deco

Monday, July 29, 2013

9 Lego Candles on a Baseball Cake

The rain woke me up this morning... or I awoke to the rain. Either makes me happy that I can: not only see but feel the serenity in that. I put my sundress on, even for a gloomy day. It was a brightly colored one. I shuffled through my candle box and chose a birthday cake scent. I lit it and decided to write about Benny's Birthday.

These are two of my favorite pictures of him as a toddler:
 He loves his chocolate and has my pigment. The two make quite the mix for a picture mommy holds dear in her memory. His happiness in this indulgent moment tells all with those baby blue eyes I irrevocably admire. Every time I see this I want to loudly and obnoxiously kiss those big cheeks to taste the morsels.

This one below makes me think of the days I was privileged to stay at home with my babies to capture the important and in depth play we have. We would have the darnedest of times... I was able to see my muffins' minds develop and help them grow as I nurtured it to be it's very best. We used to make tinker-toy cars and race them all over the house and up/down the stairs. My Benny is the best sharer I know, and still is. He teaches me many things. Here that Benny is, in a playing moment... happy and careless at heart, just the way he should be. Pure and wholesome...

Then we slide on down to age 9 and water slides at a Waterpark to celebrate this memorable birthday with friends and our family.

I swear these parties are getting more fun every year. We spent the day sliding and surfing under the Arizona sun. The Sergeant even checked days before to see what the weather was going to be like, so we wouldn't run into any issues. It was a great day of playing hard and ending it with singing, presents, balloons and this totally awesome baseball ice-cream cake (that mom ate the last of last night). With Lego candles!!

Benny is really into WWE Wrestling right now. The Sergeant knew just what action figure he wanted to get for his special brother. Stink and I went on a date and we traveled to 3 different stores with some Mongolian grill food between until he got the perfect "The Miz" wrestler.

Benny also loves Baseball. We were shopping one day in a store of the subject when he eyed these gloves and I never forgot the look on his face when he tried them on. So I remembered, went back and got those very Baseball Gloves for my boy. Benny also received some clothes by his favorite brand in his favorite colors from Mom.

Happy Birthday to my oh-so-dear son of mine. You can be so sweet, one of the sweetest I know. You can also be the opposite as you are sensitive, emotional and always like to keep the peace and equality drizzled into every situation. You can make me laugh so hard. I am over proud to call you mine... and I hope you had the best Birthday yet, baby cakes.