This card I recieved in the mail... it made me cry
-My Faith
-My Children
-Our Health
-Coconut Pancakes
-The look with lost teeth
-Long Eyelashes
-Sharing someones last moment on this earth
-The innocent energy of a puppy
-Soft smiles
-Hard laughs
-My job...s
-My mind
-Good books
-Spirit filled Pastors
-Hardworking Doctors
-Scrupulous Surgeons
-The dirty smell of my boys (I love it)
-Roller Skates
-Men, of all kinds
-Red bows
-Red Lips
-Tears: of joy and pain
-A voice to sing
-My Kitchen
-Tough times
-Movies with snuggles
-Kisses with snuggles
-Did I mention snuggles?
-Baby giggles
-Nice feet
-Good Ears
-Acts of Kindness
-Sports Games
-Talks at the Table
-Focused Parents
-The smell of orange blossoms
-When my boys run up and squeeze me
-My Peace
-Beauty, the inside type
-The feelings when you fall in love
-The honor roll
-The USA
-Hardcore Fitness Instructors
-What I'm thinking as I look at my kids
-Every breath I take
-Every heart beat I'm granted
I could go on and on. I'm also thankful for having the day before and the day of Thanksgiving off of work this year. The art of cooking for Thanksgiving is all about the preparation, I have learned. I baked pies and prepped casseroles plus marinated the turkey and chopped veggies as I made my house ready for company the day before. I also had the time to plan a Turkey Bowl for the little boys in the neighborhood- plus some.
Here they are, in teams:
and the big boys...
and mimosas over girl talk... Thanks Yella.
So we played football, we watched some great football... and I actually relaxed (thanks to my prep day) and even got to watch some special dance videos that reminded me of what I did in my younger days. We shared our Holiday with family & friends and I ended it with falling asleep, naturally, with my boys on the couch.
I am and feel truly Blessed...
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